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September 08.2022
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Colonial Style Fencing: The Most Iconic Style of Fencing

Colonial Style Fencing: The Most Iconic Style of Fencing

The term ‘colonial style fencing’ refers to the style of fencing which was used in colonial periods in many parts of the world. This type of fencing is characterized by a high visibility of the system, with each individual post being clearly visible from the outside. To know more about this topic and how it relates to your backyard, read on.

What is Colonial Style Fencing?

Colonial style fencing is the distinctive style of fencing commonly seen in South Africa and many other areas that were under British rule. It is essentially a style of fencing that makes use of a high number of posts, which are visible to the outside. These wood posts are set up in a very densely packed manner, with no gaps between them. This style of fencing, along with its related terra cotta railings and gate systems, is the most iconic style of fencing during the colonial era.

Benefits of Colonial Style Fencing

- A High Visibility of the Fence - Colonial style fencing is characterized by a high visibility of the system, with each individual post being clearly visible from the outside. This increases the security of the entire system, as intruders cannot approach the posts without being detected.

- The Fence is Built in a Dense Manner - Colonial style fencing is also distinctive due to its use of a high number of posts, which are set up in a very densely packed manner, with no gaps between them. This increases the durability of the system, as the wood is less likely to rot and become weak.

- Ideal for Hot Climates - Colonial style fencing is highly ideal for hot climates, such as parts of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.

With each post being clearly visible, this style provides excellent security and durability.

- Huge Variety of Styles - Colonial style fencing is also available in many distinct styles, creating a huge variety when it comes to picking the perfect fence for your backyard. You can also choose different styles of railing, gates, and other accessories to go along with your fence.

Pros of building colonial style fencing

- Excellent Security - Colonial style fencing is highly ideal for hot climates, such as parts of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. With each post being clearly visible, this style provides excellent security and durability.

- Excellent Durability - Colonial style fencing is also highly durable. The posts are set up in a very densely packed manner, with no gaps between them. This increases the durability of the system, as the wood is less likely to rot and become weak.

- Ideal for Hot Climates - Colonial style fencing is highly ideal for hot climates, such as parts of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. With each post being clearly visible, this style provides excellent security and durability. Of course it is also perfect for Williamsburg Virginia!

- Huge Variety of Styles - Colonial style fencing is also available in many distinct styles, creating a huge variety when it comes to picking the perfect fence for your backyard. You can also choose different styles of railing, gates, and other accessories to go along with your fence.

Cons of building colonial style fencing

- Expensive - Colonial style fencing is highly expensive, due to the high number of posts it requires. This makes it unsuitable for low-income households.

- Heavy - Colonial style fencing is extremely heavy, making it unsuitable for urban and suburban areas.

It needs to be lifted onto the posts and then screwed into place.

- Long Installation Time - Colonial style fencing is also extremely time-consuming to install. This makes it unsuitable for lower-income households, who cannot afford to invest a lot of time in their home.

- Pushes Out the Neighbors’ Wire Fences - Colonial style fencing is also very visible, making it a huge nuisance for low-income neighbors. This pushes out the wire fences of the neighbors, making it unsuitable for areas with co-existing communities.


The term ‘colonial style fencing’ refers to the style of fencing which was used in colonial periods in many parts of the world. This type of fencing is characterized by a high visibility of the system, with each individual post being clearly visible from the outside. To know more about this topic and how it relates to your backyard, read on.



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